Formed in 1994, the Toronto Bead Society (TBS) is a volunteer group of people who share an abiding love of, and enthusiasm for, beads, beadwork, and related jewellery-making skills.
Why Join the Toronto Bead Society?
Meet great people who love to talk about beads. We understand the addiction - and share the joy!
Wait – there’s more - Here’s what you get as a TBS member:
Entry to all monthly meetings.
Advance notice of registrations for special meetings and events such as
Techniques Night
Discounts at numerous local stores and on-line suppliers
Check the Member Discounts page and, next time you shop, ask if the merchant gives a discount to TBS members.
Carry your membership card for the discount.
Sales space at a monthly meeting
You can have ½ a table in the “Marketplace” area at designated TBS meetings to sell supplies, jewellery and related materials.
No charge, first come, as space is available.
Link from the TBS website
If you have a bead-related website you would like to promote to members (or the world) you can have a listing on the Member Links page.
Garage Sale meeting in June
Participate in the "Garage Sale" and sell your "bead related mistakes and miscalculations" (or anything bead related)!
Show your work in the Bead Gallery on the TBS website.
Members can have up to 3 images in the various photo galleries.
Volunteer Opportunities
Make a difference in the life a budding beader!
Make friends and help out as a volunteer - you will learn lots!
Steering Committee
The Toronto Bead Society is run by a dedicated group of volunteers in the roles below, and under these Bylaws.